Learn React JS for Beginner Guide By Deepak Pokharel

React is a JavaScript library that aims to simplify the development of visual interfaces.

Developed at Facebook and released to the world in 2013, it drives some of the most widely used code in the world. It powers Facebook and Instagram among many, many other software companies.

Its primary goal is to make it easy to reason about an interface and its state at any point in time by dividing the UI into a collection of components.

React is used to build single-page web applications, along with many other libraries and frameworks that were available before React came to life. 


React Day 1 !!

Topic : Running React on your PC by step :

Step 1 :Open Visual studio and install node Js

Step 2 : Go in Terminal and type npm create vite@latest

Step 3;
Type Project Name and  Choose react and javascript

Step 4: Type npm install or npm i

Step 5;Again Type npm run dev

Step 6: Our main file is app.jsx  and we will work there.

Step 7: Install Tallwind CSS (From website Step 2 to 4)

 React Day 2 !!

Topic :Learning to push your program in github from beginning

Step 1:Create repository on github

Step 2:Go to terminal and type git init

Step 3:Type git add . 

Step 4: Type git commit -m 'MESSAGE FOR COMMIT'

Step 5:Type git remote add origin (LINK)

Step 6 : Type git branch -M main

Step 7 : Type git push -u origin main

Topic :Commiting new changes in github

Step 1: Type git add .

Step 2 : Type git commit -m 'MESSAGE FOR COMMIT'

Step 3 : Type git push -u origin main

React Day 3 will be updated soon......


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